This earned me many nicknames around my household, but my favorite was always "Cole the Destroyer." No toy train track or Lego set was safe from my chaos. My brothers still harbor a grudge over this minor issue, but as I grew older, it became clear that there was another angle to my destruction.
If IÂ tore down a tower of blocks, it would be to build something completely different. Or, when I broke the coffee machine, it was to see how a bunch of dried beans could make a perfectly smooth liquid (and also because I hate coffee). I found that the best way to not only learn, but iterate too, was by destroying the original. Sure, I could've chosen better targets than my brother's builds, but IÂ hope my point comes across.
If you'd like to see how I can fit in with your vision, contact me at any of the places below—I promise we can destroy, together.